2023 Annual Report
The past twelve months have been busy, with many events produced and many visitors to the Museum, and a successful effort to elevate public awareness of the Museum.
As we entered the key bicentennial year, your board of directors engaged in a strategic planning process aimed at a re-appraisal of the Museum’s value to the town, its members, its visitors, and the
larger public. The result is a re-imagined approach to programs and governance.
We are committed to telling the story of banker and store proprietor Abigail Hooper, who, 200 years ago, was the only unmarried, self-made woman in Massachusetts to have her own house built—the house that would become your Museum and that deserves special attention in this bicentennial. In so doing, we sponsored two lectures about her life and we completed the restoration of three rooms to interpret her domestic and retail activities in a room-by-room narrative for visitors.
In appealing to families and children, we are introducing two new permanent exhibits, a Talking Dollhouse and Downtown 1910 Diorama with Model Trains, and we have sponsored several family-friendly events as well as hosted field trips from elementary school pupils. We have renewed the Salt Cod Fishyard as a permanent outdoor exhibit, and we brought The Torrent fire engine and the Forster Flag into the street for the Fourth of July parade.
​In recognition of the importance of art to this town, we produced four Art Shows and acquired works by the Cheever family of photographers and by the master painter Charles S. Hopkinson, whose art is now on display in our newly transformed gallery space.
Thanks to you, we had a record-setting Annual Appeal. We held a Bicentennial Inaugural event at Sharksmouth and have begun a Capital Campaign in support of programs and of further restoration efforts, such as the re-creation of the handsome portico that graced the front of the house in the days of Abigail Hooper and her husband Capt. Richard Trask. We envision the restored portico serving as both a literal and symbolic portal welcoming visitors to new experiences.
We have benefited from the generosity of several donors of items and artifacts, including Sue Parker, Randolph Carr, Melanie Andrews, Kitty Weaver, Lotte Calnek, Sarah Dixwell Brown, Matthew Swindell, Donald Carleton and Robert Booth, Elizabeth Trask Camacho, Laura Denoncour, Matthew Genta, Mary Maynard, Cheryl Lee Lamphear, Marjorie Barnett, John Davis, and Pamela Nelson. We have also received loans from Malcolm Odell, Matthew Genta, and Jean-Marc de Wasseige.
Not least, we were the beneficiaries of the remarkable graphic talents of Melanie Andrews and of the expertise of attorney John Colucci, both of whom generously provided their services pro bono.
Thanks to all!
October 2022
New website produced
Fall Art Show
Lecture (R. Booth) "Nabby Hooper, A Girl Like No Other"
Re-installation of Manchester 1772 Exhibit
Participation in the "Wobblin' Goblins" Parade.
Pumpkin decorating with the Library.
November 2022
Museum Redux revised plan produced
Annual Appeal begins
Lecture (R. Booth) "Manchester 1772"
Ongoing work on House Histories
December 2022
Garden Club Decoration of Museum & Grounds
Holiday Members' Reception
Christmas Party with Music
Christmas Tea with Music
Memorial Service for Esther "Slim" Proctor
Acquisition of 40+ Cheever Glass-Plate Negatives
Archival review by State Archivist Thomas Doyle
Cricket Sea Serpent Article and Podcast (R. Booth)
Annual Appeal continues
Restoration of Rooms planned
Restoration of the Old Kitchen begins
Matthew Genta chosen as President Pro Tem
Plan made to remove Upper Yard overgrowth
Pop-Up Art Show
Participation in "Roaring Twenties" K–5 Event
Completion of the Strategic Plan
Rus Brown becomes Treasurer Pro Tem
Lecture (R. Booth): Life & Times of Abigail Hooper Trask
Lecture (R. Booth): John Lee & The Return of The Indigenous People
Town Meeting approves CPC funding of Masconomo Park sign
First Graders Visit: Diorama, Dollhouse, and Tidepool Art
R. Booth and Peter Crofton producing Town Video
Parlor being renovated
Portico Restoration planned
Grant from Sons of Colonial Wars for Fishyard Exhibit
Inaugural Bicentennial Event at Sharksmouth
Capital Campaign begins: $200K for 200th Anniversary
Lecture (W. Cross): Winslow Homer in Manchester and Beyond
Salt Cod Fishery Exhibit Re-Opened
"Manchester 1772" Exhibit Re-Opened
The Torrent in the Fourth of July Parade
Curatorial Advisory Committee Inaugurated
Restorations continue
Art Event for "Festival-by-the-Sea"
Restoration of Old Kitchen completed
Radio, newspaper, and social media coverage of Fishyard Exhibit
Renovation of Gallery
Ongoing visits from families and tourists
Restoration of Parlor completed and furnished
Family Fun Fest Event produced with Trails & Sails
Annual Meeting
Board Members
Matthew Genta — President Pro Tem
Susana Thompson — Secretary
Rus Brown — Treasurer Pro Tem
Rebecca Campbell
Martha Chapman
Philio Cushing
Constance Leahy
David Lumsden
Axel Magnuson
Mary Minott
John Round
Amy Snodgrass
Staff and Consultants
Robert Booth — Director & Curator
Matthew Swindell — Archivist
Nancy Klebart — Executive Assistant
Martha Chapman — Events Manager
Peter Crofton — Technology Consultant
Jessica November — Engagement Specialist
Matthew Blackman — Exhibit Consultant
Samuel Reissfelder — High School Intern